Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tanning Indoors

Indoor tanning has a really bad reputation, its comparable to the person you went to high school with that your parents did not want you to hang out with. But the taboo about it makes it that much more desirable.

Despite all the bad press that tanning has recieved, it is still a booming business. Everyone looks and feels better with a tan, and indoor tanning is a quick and convenient way to achieve these results. Indoor tanning is no worse for someone than a day on the beach, its the people that over do it that give it a bad name. Just like anything in life moderation is key.

I work in a tanning salon, and have had lots of training about skin care, and tanning. It is actually beneficial for someone to get color and this is starting to be reported on. A little bit of UV exposure gives us the much needed vitamin D that our bodies need. And it has actually been proven to reduce internal organ cancers.

The myth of frying your insides is entirely false, and while you do see people that over do it. A tanning bed does not work like a microwave as many believe and thus it is impossible to "cook" ones insides. People who you know tan wayyy to much have been coined Tanorexics. All in all people shouldn't be so scared of a tanning booth, in moderation it is actually good for you!

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